Well, I am very much a genocide denier, and I’m proud of it and I can say why. Yes, because what happened was not a genocide. Note that denying “genocide” means denying an interpretation, not the facts, whatever they are.
There was a massacre of prisoners, whose proportions are disputed. That was a war crime. But it was not genocide. When your victims are military age men and you spare women and children, that cannot be genocide by any sensible definition. The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia was set up to blame the Serbs for genocide, and they did so by a far-fetched sociological explanation, claiming that because the Bosnian Muslims had a patriarchal society, killing the men would be a sort of genocide in one town. But that is not what people understand by genocide.
1. “Denying” the Srebrenica Genocide Because It’s Not True: an Interview with Diana Johnstone